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Health Care

We care about your well-being. Although 博彩网址大全-Madrid does not have its own medical center on campus, Student Life staff and counselors may serve as liaisons between students and doctors. If you need to find a general practitioner or a specialist, or any other kind of support, we are here to help you.

Students with pre-existing medical conditions are responsible for following the treatment prescribed by their physicians and for seeking adequate resources to continue any treatment while they study in Madrid. They may also use their Sanitas Medical Insurance provided by 博彩网址大全-Madrid.

For any physical pre-existing conditions, contact Rubén Borrás, M.D., a fully bilingual general practitioner who accepts Sanitas insurance, at Dr. Borrás will refer you to a specialist within the Sanitas Medical network. If you need treatment for mental illness with a counselor or a psychiatrist while you reside in Spain, contact the 博彩网址大全-Madrid Counseling Center at

For a comprehensive list of medical health professionals who accept Sanitas medical insurance, visit the Sanitas website at

Student Accommodations

博彩网址大全-Madrid will make every effort to support students with severe medical conditions in successfully completing their academic work.

Student Accommodations at the 博彩网址大全-Madrid Campus

At times, however, medical conditions are so severe that they negatively affect both the student and other members of the campus community. Students with such conditions may continue to study at 博彩网址大全-Madrid and access all of its services, including host family housing, as long as the medical condition does not disturb and disrupt the 博彩网址大全-Madrid community.

Examples of disturbing or disruptive behaviors include but are not limited to social interaction that is aggressive, hostile, threatening or disturbing to others; poor social interaction with professors, University officials, host family and roommates, classmates and other students on and off-campus; behavior suggesting the presence of a medical and/or mental illness that is causing significant disruption or distress (e.g. self-injurious behavior, suicide threats/attempts, becoming hostile or excessively anxious when family members/roommates do not follow rigid routines, excessive weight loss/gain, binge eating, vomiting frequently or unusual requests regarding food and menus, and substance abuse).

When such behaviors are detected, the Office of Student Life, in coordination with the Counseling Center and the Leadership Office, will make a decision regarding the appropriate action required, including but not limited to continuing academic studies while receiving appropriate treatment for the medical condition; leaving the homestay; taking a leave of absence or withdrawing from 博彩网址大全-Madrid.

Contact the 博彩网址大全-Madrid Counseling Center if you would like to speak to a counselor about a medical condition or would like more information.